Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Mayo Conflict

There's cake, there's family, there's tofurkey!  What could go wrong?

The answer?  Not much really.  Christmas and New Year's went off pretty well.  There was a minor episode where I was told I could just pick the meat out of the soup, but that is relatively minor.  The family did crash a hotel lobby, but we made it out unscathed. There were some things that I would love to share that are just outrageously funny.  I was, however, expressly forbidden to blog about them.  If you see me personally, ask.

There wasn't even a cooking disaster, y'all!
I made this cake and it was flipping delicious.

Don't be disappointed folks.  I have a little gem to share about the drive home from Arkansas with Mom and Dad.

This is the beauty of my family in its full glory.

While I ranted about politics from the back seat, Dad tore open a fast-food packet of mayo and squeezed its entire contents into his mouth.
Mom:  What did you just do?
Dad:  What?  There's nothing wrong with it...
Mom:  Well, there's nothing right about it!

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